A Time Honored Concept

How many people have you heard say, “I don’t have the time”? How many times have you, yourself, said, “I don’t have the time to . . .”? In this crazy, busy world of ours it seems we just can’t get around to the things we have planned. I could further explain this novel concept, but . . well, I just don’t have the time.

            Then, there’s the well-used phrase, “. . . just a minute”. How often are we put off by someone who holds up one finger, avoids eye contact and states, “Just a minute”? In our house, too many years ago to guarantee accuracy, our four-year-old daughter would respond to her mother’s call with, “. . . in a minute” while continuing her moment of play. She meant no disrespect but, having heard her mother use those words, simply thought that was the correct response when called.

            The flip side of that, of course, is the question, “Can I have a moment of your time?” Isn’t it amazing the amount of time subsequently spent with some well-intentioned person who says, “Can I have a moment of your time?” A minute – sixty seconds – certainly doesn’t seem like a lot. Then again, try holding your breath for a full minute. Better yet, consider how long it seems to take for a minute to pass while your child is being extricated from a dangerous situation.

            Time passes in our world whether we like it or not. It can go like a flash or it can be agonizingly slow. A minute – an hour – a day. I would try to examine this more deeply but, well – – – I just don’t have the time.

            But, here’s a new wrinkle to consider about “time”. Someday I’m going to pass from this world. I’ll be leaving Earth and its time-honored clocks and schedules. I will hopefully rise above this time-consuming concept and approach the gates of heaven. When I ask permission to enter I’ll probably say, “May I come in today?” Without a doubt the Lord’s answer will be, “My friend, this is heaven and – – – well, we don’t have time.”


P.S. (…a note about my October 18 entry) Some may have noted the use of an incorrect word near the end of my message. I incorrectly used the word “indignant” while referring to Indigenous peoples. While they certainly have the right to be indignant, that was not my intention and I sincerely apologize for my spelling error.

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